EuBEA 2016: MindMeeting and Masters in Moderation winnen brons in categorie Meeting Design
EUROPEAN BEST EVENT AWARDS - Een nieuwe categorie tijdens de EuBEA 2016: Meeting Design. En meteen twee Nederlandse cases in de top 3. Obsession won zilver en MindMeeting and Masters in Moderation met een evenement voor The Third Generation, TTG BV ging naar huis met de bronze EuBEA.
In al het geweld van de veelal grote en alles omvattende cases bleek de Meeting Design categorie bij uitstek een categorie waar de conceptmatig perfect ingestoken producties tot hun recht kwamen. Het evenement voor Next West met een betrekkelijk kleine doelgroep van stakeholders richtte zich door middel van gamification niet op de WOW-factor, maar puur op content en inhoud. Dat zag er ongeveer zo uit:
ORGANISING COMPANY: MindMeeting and Masters in Moderation
CLIENT COMPANY: The Third Generation, TTG BV
EVENT CATEGORY: Meeting Design
DATE: from 08/04/2016 to 09/04/2016
LOCATION: Kapellerput, Somerenseweg 100 5591 TN Heeze The Netherlands: http://www.kapellerput.nl
TARGET: Family members of the Westland Family, a Dutch family-owned company.
OBJECTIVE: The client chose as the connecting Theme for the event: "Together". This was broken down in Level 4 objectives: forge the family into a harmonious unity; increase reciprocal involvement; make the company more successful. Among Level 3 & 2 Objectives: conduct better meetings; loyalty; involvement.
BUDGET: less than € 50.000 Low Budget
The Experience Concept was that of the First Day at School. This was how the event should feel. Therefore, the meeting room was dressed up as a primary school class room, with a series of relevant details. The moderator was called “Miss” – the school teacher. Invitations were in the form of a lunch box that class mate would fill for each other during breaks. Participants exchanged friend books with personal data, etc.
The Content requirements were translated into a Human-Size Board Game. Participants worked out the tasks and scores for the game in working groups, after receiving instructions on how to do this and make it interesting. Focus was on Dilemmas: choices involving conflicting interests between company, shareholders and family. When ready on the second day, they played the game themselves.
The final part included a reflection on how they had worked together as a family group. In addition, the teacher drew up a school report, with votes for relevant categories.
MEDIA MIX: Since the target group was very clear (only members of the family), the only channels used were e-mail and direct mail. However, all communications prior to the event were carefully designed by a graphics designer - herself a member of the family - in the style and spirit of the event. As if participants were invited for their first school day.
AUDIO / VIDEO / LIGHTS PRODUCTION: The technological innovation was to work with the least possible hi-tech features, due to budget constraints. A lot of the required features were brought by the members of the organizing committee, such as toys and class room details (For instance the typical "chain" Dutch school children wear when they need to go to the toilet, etc.). In addition, an characteristic puppet show theatre was used, with hand puppets for the self-reflection item on the programme (see below for explanation).
STAGING AND SET DEISGN: The event started at noon on Day 1 and ended after lunch on Day 2. Important items in the execution were the role of the moderator, who steered the process in line with a detailed script. Participants received input from a professional game builder and from a consultant on creative thinking. They spent a lot of time on identifying the dilemmas needed for the game. These were written on specially designed cards, while the points were included in a score table. They played the game.
The event was a great success. The objectives were achieved and even surpassed: the game developed in the event has already been used several times by the company management and other groups. The working atmosphere was extremely positive and all participants shared in the activities.
FEATURE DESCRIPTION: The programme was designed with great care and a lot of eye for detail. The family had had previous versions of the event and were unhappy with the level of involvement of those who were not part of the organizing committee. The new group who took over had the desire to make a radical change and therefore turned to the two companies who created the event for them. this had to be done with a very limited budget (around € 35,000 in total). After some initial exercises, participants had an explanation of what makes a good game by a specialized game builder. Next, they were challenged to make a human-size board game. The board had 63 fields and was designed by a young girl in the family who studies to become a graphics designer. (Incidentally, she also designed all the other graphics for the event, such as the invitations and a typical booklet that small children in the Netherlands exchange among each other.) Some of these fields were ”dilemma fields”. Players had to move around the board with a dice. When they hit a dilemma field, they had to solve a dilemma related to the management of a family company, with all shareholders who are members of the family. The dilemmas were actually invented by the participants themselves. Each dilemma was given a number of solutions and each solution was worth a different number of points, depending on how well the solution reconciled the interests of the family as a whole, the company and the individual family members. After working out the various dilemmas in small groups and writing them down on cards (like in monopoly), participants actually played the game and discussed the dilemmas in public. At the end, they reflected together on how well they communicated and interacted as a group with important shared interests. For this they played in a puppet show. This kept the feedback to each other light and fun. It lso gave the opportunity to address effective and non-effective behaviors without pointing at specific individuals.
IDENTIFICATION OF THE OBJECTIVES: The objectives resulted from an articulated process: 1) in-depth intake with the organizing committee, of third-generation family members. 2) Quality interviews with 5 other family members, chosen from various interest groups (such as: those who never come...). 3) A specific analysis of this input along the lines of the 5 levels of the ROI pyramid, done by the design team, together with the organizing committee. The latter signed off for the objectives as described.
DESIGN BASED ON THE OBJECTIVES: The design process followed the proprietary tools of Experience Concept and Content Flow, in addition to the input described previously. The designer submitted a drat proposal and an amended proposal, each discussed with the client in a 3-hour meeting. Design included warm-up exercises, discussion formats, stories, presentations, the game itself, reflection round and puppet show; full attention for graphics design of all the material used; a lot of material to create the class room environment.
EXECUTION COMPONENTS: Fundamental in the execution was the role of the moderator. She was fully briefed on the objectives and had a detailed script. The flexibility of the venue helped immensely. The programme included a pyama party, with all participants listening to bed-time story - read out by the school teacher - in pyama. The venue made available a special room for this. Staying on budget was simple, because e fixed budget had been agreed at the outset. Only surprise in execution was too little time for the game
MEASURING: Since the meeting only took place in April, it is too early to measure its outcomes. Good signs of its success are the high level of participation and interaction of participants and the fact that the game they developed, with the dilemma cards, has been used in several occasions by the company. Family is planning a measuring round towards the end of this calendar year. There are many further design details but the room available does not allow us to elaborate on these.
PRODUCER: Doen internally by client
CONCEPT: Jan Jaap in der Maur, Masters in Moderation
COPY: Mike van der Vijver, MindMeeting
SET DESIGN: Mike van der Vijver, MindMeeting
STAGE BUILT UP: To the extent relevant, done by the venue, Kapellerput