BREAKING: EventBranche.nl en Eventmanagerblog.com bundelen krachten
EVENTBRANCHE.NL - Eventmanagerblog.com, inmiddels beter bekend als EventMB, is één van de allergrootste en meest invloedrijke online platforms in de internationale event marketing industry. Bij het opstarten van een groot internationaal eventmedia netwerk koos EventMB als eerste en startende partner voor EventBranche.nl. Dat betekent onder meer dat EventBranche.nl de content van EventMB mag en zal vertalen voor de Nederlandse eventmarketing branche.
Onderstaand persbericht is de aankondiging van de samenwerking...in het Engels.
EventBranche.nl combines powers with EventMB
For years and years EventBranche.nl followed EventMB with a lot of respect and admiration. The international website for eventmarketing and live communication, once started by Julius Solaris, is one of the most influencing websites in the international event marketing industry. Strong on tech and tools and well known for their lists of tips, trends, reports, etc etc. EventBranche.nl will be the first partner in EventMB's international medianetwork.
'EventMB now has big plans to be the absolute number one international community for event managers. Therefor they are creating an international network of media colleagues across the world, starting in Europe, starting in The Netherlands, starting with us! That is something to be very proud of. So we are very excited to call ourselves the first partner of the EventMB Network', announces Sjoerd Weikamp, EventBranche.nl.
Forward thinking
Julius Solaris founder of EventMB is very happy with his first partner overseas. 'I could have not asked for a better partner to kick off EventMB Network than Sjoerd Weikamp and EventBranche.nl. I've been a fan of this incredible Dutch resource for the event industry for years. We wanted to partner only with forward thinking editors that have a strong propensity for online and truly want to shake up the industry. EventBranche.nl is a true wave of fresh air in a country that has given so much to the eventindustry when it gets to innovation. We are excited to start a global networks of leaders that will change the way eventprofs read and watch content online and EventBranche.nl is the natural partner to start such a journey.'
'Julius and I met up a couple of times. I told him we were overseas fans of his website. I was really proud to hear from Julius that he also truly admires what we do. So a collaboration was easy found. In short the partnership consist out of EventBranche.nl publishing EventMB content in Dutch for the Dutch speaking market. Main goal: to take the eventindustry to the next level. For EventMB it is a starting point of creating that international community. A community from whom we are a very proud and exciting first partner!', says Weikamp.
About EventMB
EventMB Network is a network of publishers changing the paradigm of content for the event industry. For many years innovation in the industry has been buried under flat content more focused on the status quo than the reader. EventMB Network is a collective of the most influential publications in several countries around the world that will transform the way event professionals use content online.